EMERGENCY NUMBERS | 0861 007 716 | 083 791 0121 leigh@leighgroup.co.za

About Us

Our Story

Leigh Insurance was founded by Ken Leigh in 1967. This privately-owned company is not driven by the demands of shareholders for returns, but to provide you with the best insurance advice, products and solutions in the business.

Over many years in the industry, we have grown and adapted to what best suits your needs. aDD2 Admin provides an efficient system and infrastructure for insurance and small business administration. Monthly paid premiums have become the accepted norm for companies, organisations, associations and individual clients like yourself. As is common practice, for a minimal monthly charge, all debits are collected through the aDD2Admin system, directly from your designated bank account. This ensures your cover is in place at all times and relieving cash flows.

Team Leigh Care was initiated in 2003 to provide opportunities for individuals and to support organisations in their various activities. We believe that “Together Each Adds More, Let Each Individual Grow Here & Caring About Reaching Everyone”!

Through risk analysis and your specific cover requirements, our team investigates terms and place classes of insurance.

What we provide for you

Our list of insurances

Through effective risk management, preferential premium rates and excesses that are negotiated and maintained, our policies result in additional funds being made available to you and for the benefit of the communities you serve.

Leigh Insurance includes Missionary, Medical & General Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd (known as MM&G Insurance Brokers), aDD2Admin (Pty) Ltd and Team Leigh Care, our section 21 Company not for gain (TLC).
